Author: Kerry

Advent: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Advent cover artwork

Advent cover artwork

Advent: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

by Kerry van der Vinne

“This book is an invitation. If you’ve ever been troubled by the superficial consumerism surrounding the season—if you’ve ever felt out of sync with the festive cheer—if you’ve ever wondered whether there might be more to Advent—then this invitation is for you…” (From the Introduction)

Kerry van der Vinne writes, “if we want to celebrate a more meaningful ‘Christ-Mass,’ then we must prepare our hearts by participating in a more meaningful Advent.”

In this compelling series of daily devotions, readers are invited into a deeper experience of the Advent journey. It’s a journey that traces our salvation-story through the pages of scripture—from the first chapters of Genesis, to the incarnation of the promised Messiah, and onwards to his triumphant return.

The daily reflections also introduce readers to some beautiful lesser-known Advent texts which have been passed down through the centuries by our ancestors in the faith. Though unfamiliar to many of us, these “spiritual treasures” are rooted in scripture and saturated with truth that transcends time. A selection of these traditional prayers, readings and hymns are also included in a supplementary section of exceptional seasonal resources.

Quotes from “Advent: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room”:

  • “The message of Advent doesn’t fit neatly into a sound-bite or vignette. It’s too complex, too deep, to compete with glitter and noise; and it’s a hard sell in a culture that would rather skip straight to the big finish. But Advent is too important to be forgotten, because it is this season that prepares us to encounter our Lord.”
  • “To be a prophet was to speak hard words that people did not want to hear, and to receive in turn all the violence that they wanted to inflict upon God himself. Yet God, in his omniscience, surveyed all this, and decided to send one more messenger: his son.”
  • “The story of Christmas begins farther back than we can really grasp—back before the darkness of our broken relationship with God. It begins with a love so unfathomable that everything concerning us, from our creation to our redemption, was undertaken in spite of all it would cost.”
  • “Though penitence is never ‘fun,’ it is rooted in hope and has the power to produce genuine joy. Penitence was never meant to trap us in a place of shame and condemnation; rather, it is a gateway from despair to freedom.”
  • “As Christmas draws near, we begin to greet one another with the words ‘Merry Christmas,’ and our hearts rightly rejoice because of the baby who was like no other baby. But we need more than the message of Christmas. We need the reminders that Easter and Pentecost bring—and we need the spirit of Advent to prompt our hearts to say to one another again, ‘Maranatha.'”
  • “Dark nights come to each of us when the questions crowd in. Was this really how it was supposed to go? Why didn’t God intervene? Does he even care? Each time we find ourselves asking these questions, the answer is there in his actions. He humbled himself to take on human flesh for us. He suffered and died for us. He is making a home in heaven for us. There is our answer.”
  • “One of the things I love most about liturgical worship is the way it helps me to express the longings of my own heart through the words of scripture—especially during those times when it can be a struggle to put my own thoughts and feelings into words.”
  • “On this eve of Christmas, whether you feel yourself to be surrounded by earthly blessings or whether you feel your blessings to be few, set aside those thoughts and concerns long enough to remember what it is that we are celebrating: God’s loving plan to bring you home to himself, through the gift of Jesus Christ.”


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The Story of the Church

The Story of the Church cover artwork

Coming Soon! Expected release date is November 21, 2024.

The Story of the Church cover artworkThe Story of the Church:
8 Bible-Based Lessons on God’s Sovereignty & Providence in Church History

by Kerry van der Vinne

Upon the rock of faith in Jesus Christ, the Church was founded. Through 2000+ years it has seen triumphs and failures, but it has never been beyond the reach of God’s redemptive grace.

In eight powerful sessions, Kerry van der Vinne provides an overview of Christian history, touching on the stories of many great saints (including Polycarp, Athanasius, and Francis of Assisi), taking stock of pivotal controversies, and exploring both triumphs and failures – all of which have astonishing relevance to us today. Each lesson is rooted in scripture and includes questions for discussion or reflection. Suitable for either personal or group learning, this study is presented at an academic level suitable for adults or mature teens.

Lesson 1: Eyewitnesses
Lesson 2: The Early Church
Lesson 3: Definitions & Defenders
Lesson 4: The Perils of Power
Lesson 5: Faithful Outliers
Lesson 6: The Reformers
Lesson 7: Compassionate Service
Lesson 8: Yesterday, Today, Forever

The Adventures of Ellie the Robot

The Adventures of Ellie the Robot

Ellie cover art

The Adventures of Ellie the Robot

by H.W. Lincoln

Ellie finds the world puzzling.
She can’t remember anything that happened before she arrived in Mapleton a few months back. And she can’t always make sense of the human world. Fortunately she has a few good friends to help her.

Through a series of short chapter “episodes,” Ellie begins to make discoveries, not just about the world, but about herself and her mission on earth.

“An utterly unique chapter book, ideal for emerging readers, Ellie the Robot is fun and engaging for children and adults alike.”



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Just The Sort To End Up That Way

Sister Tabby cover art

Sister Tabby cover artComing Soon!

Just The Sort To End Up That Way
A Sister Tabby Mystery

by H. W. Lincoln

“Don’t call me Sister,” said Tabby, “I’m not a real nun anymore.”

Sister Tabby Henson has lived a reclusive life for more than a decade. In an picturesque lake-side cottage, she spends her days creating illuminated manuscripts, nursing regrets, and shutting out the world… Until one day the phone rings, and she hears a familiar voice asking for help. It’s her godson Michael, and he’s been arrested for murder.

No one else believes Michael’s version of events. There are too many factors against him. To the detectives of Angels Falls, Ontario, the explanation for the death of Kaylee Sutherland appears obvious. And after all, Michael is just the sort of person they’d expect to end up in such a situation. Tabby, having grown up in the quaint but insular city of Angels Falls, knows the place well enough to guess that little will be done to look into Michael’s side of the story unless she does it herself.

Suddenly thrust back into the harsh light of the world, Tabby must face her own past and leverage every resource she can think of to uncover the truth.

Tales of Christmas by L. M. Montgomery

Tales of Christmas cover art

Tales of Christmas cover artwork
From the Classics Series

Tales of Christmas:
A Treasury of Seasonal Stories

by L. M. Montgomery

with an introduction by Kerry van der Vinne

“It is a dreadful thing to be poor a fortnight before Christmas,” said Clorinda, with the mournful sigh of seventeen years.

L. M. Montgomery (best known for writing Anne of Green Gables) wrote over 500 short stories during her lifetime. Among these, sprinkled like sparkling snow, are a handful of Christmas-time tales, presented together here in this unique collection of nineteen delightful works.

As always, Montgomery weaves her magic to introduce readers to a wide range of characters, both lovable and loathsome, and with a skillful pen celebrates the enchantment of the Canadian landscape. Step into a world that has all the charm and familiarity of home—complete with quirks and humour, with beauty and with light.


Please note that this title is only available in Canada.

The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth cover art

Book of Ruth cover

The Book of Ruth:
A 6-Part Bible Study on Knowing True Love

by Kerry van der Vinne

We use the word “love” today to mean many different things…

“How are we to know whether or not our idea of love is in alignment with God’s idea of love? The answer is simple: by studying his word and listening to what he tells us in and through it.” —from the Preface

In six powerful sessions, Kerry van der Vinne will guide you (on your own, or with a group) through the Old Testament book of Ruth. Suitable for ages 14 and up, this study explores the context in which we find Ruth’s story, and follows chapter-by-chapter as it unfolds. It draws on other biblical texts that shed light on the events of the study, making note of underlying themes and principles. And finally it challenges readers to consider how some of the romantic narratives of our own day compare and contrast with what Ruth teaches us about godly love.

PART 1: Our World vs. Ruth’s World
PART 2: A Loyal Resolution (Ruth 1)
PART 3: A Loving Response (Ruth 2)
PART 4: A Bold Request (Ruth 3)
PART 5: A Joyful Reward (Ruth 4)
PART 6: Godly Love, Then & Now

Quotes from “The Book of Ruth”:

  • “The ultimate love story is one that you are a part of. It is the story that God loved you so much, broken and wayward though you are, that he sent his son to die so that you could be redeemed and brought into a right relationship with him. This is epic, in the truest sense of the word. All other love stories, if they are really loving at all, are only loving insofar as they reflect and point to God’s love.”
  • “When our “loves” are ordered correctly, obedience to God, our truest love, comes first.”
  • “A biblical understanding of repentance is not just about an emotional posture of remorse. It is about changing course.”
  • “When you and I face temptations, the voices of justification are often persuasive. The longer we entertain them, allowing them to play through our minds, the more compelling and sensible the course of action they are nudging us towards seems. But if we are believers, committed to obedience, then the question that matters most is: What does God require of me in this situation?
  • “Hope is not happy-go-lucky optimism… It is confidence rooted in God’s character.”
  • “If God only bestowed his gifts upon the deserving, the entire human race would have to be bypassed: including you and me. If we are proud, then this is a rebuke for us. But if we are broken in spirit, there is immense comfort to be found in this reminder.”
  • “Boaz’s example of “true love” in redeeming Ruth, points us to this greater love—which we have in Jesus. Christ alone was able to set us free. In spite of all our sin, he was willing to bring it about. And all of heaven is a witness to this epic love which went to such lengths for us.”
  • “As believers, whether we marry or whether we remain single, we belong to Jesus Christ, and we must strive to live in faithful obedience to our Lord as we patiently (though eagerly!) await the day when he will take us home to be his bride.”
  • “God is the one who is writing your story, and he is able to write a new and good ending for you. He is the God of prodigals: return, repent, and know that he will redeem.”


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Mac Vitalis and the Mystery of All Saints Abbey

Mac Vitalis book cover

Mac Vitalis cover artMac Vitalis and the Mystery of All Saints Abbey

by H.W. Lincoln

In the timeless style of great children’s literature comes a modern-day tale of three unforgettable friends who get caught in a tangle of unexpected events…

Mac Vitalis has recently moved to Arkview, Ontario with her father and younger sister following the tragic death of her mother. She’s perplexed by her father’s decision to move, but she’s even more perplexed when he takes her to nearby All Saints Abbey. There she begins to form surprising friendships with a wide range of charming and eccentric neighbours. More surprising still are the discoveries that Mac and her new friends begin to uncover about the Abbey’s mysterious and troubled history. They’re sure something sinister has come back to threaten those living there. Can they solve the mystery before it’s too late?

More about Mac Vitalis and the Mystery of All Saints Abbey:

  • Filled with tributes to the Canadian landscape, Mac Vitalis has the botanical charm of Burnett’s Secret Garden, and the heart-warming quality of Montgomery’s beloved Anne books.
  • While following in the tradition of the classics, Mac Vitalis blends an atmospheric romp through old-fashioned settings with a cast of contemporary characters, and takes the time to explore enduring themes of grief and healing, grace and forgiveness, and much, much more.
  • The perfect book to read together with the middle schooler in your life, Mac Vitalis creates teachable moments aplenty, touching on issues ranging from bullying to sibling rivalry to social media.
  • Mac Vitalis will pull you in slowly, treating you to a magical journey, before cascading to a fast-paced conclusion filled with unexpected revelations and satisfying outcomes.


Or make your purchase in Canada here.

Pride & Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice cover art

Pride and PrejudiceFrom the Classics Series

Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen

with an introduction by Kerry van der Vinne

SISTERS ELIZABETH & JANE BENNET come from a respectable family, but their parents and sisters do not always behave with propriety. When their romantic hopes are dashed, Elizabeth discovers that proud Mr. Darcy has played a role in their disappointments. But things go from bad to worse, when their youngest sister puts the family’s reputation at risk. Can they ever recover from the association? Will love continue to elude them?

JANE AUSTEN, in this, her best known and loved novel, continues to delight readers with her witty and perceptive take on the role of women and class in late eighteenth century British society. In recent years her novels have been adapted and reinterpreted for film and television many times.

Complete & Unabridged: This edition contains the author’s original text. Some minor mechanics of language (spelling, punctuation) have been updated for readability


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The Princess and Curdie

The Princess and Curdie

Curdie coverFrom the Classics Series

The Princess and Curdie
George MacDonald

Curdie, the miner’s son, meets a mysterious wise woman who gives him a magical gift and sends him off on a dangerous journey to the city of Gwyntystorm, where the king resides. On his way, Curdie meets with strange creatures and makes unlikely friends, before uncovering a great threat to the king’s household and the whole kingdom. Will he and the Princess Irene be able to avert disaster? What will the fate of Gwyntystorm be?

In this classic tale of adventure, George MacDonald weaves his storytelling magic—the same enchantment which has inspired many noteworthy fantasy writers over the past century, including C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. If you’re a fan of Narnia and Middle Earth, you’ll find in MacDonald’s stories many elements which are at once familiar and entirely unique.

Enjoy these beautifully designed editions—again and again—or share the wonder of “The Princess and Curdie” with someone special.

The author’s original text is complete and unabridged in this edition.

This is the first in a two-book series, with an introduction by H. W. Lincoln. If you enjoyed this title, you’ll also enjoy its prequel, “The Princess and the Goblin.”


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The Princess and the Goblin

Goblin cover art

Goblin coverFrom the Classics Series

The Princess and the Goblin
by George MacDonald

  • Princess Irene must be kept safe from the goblins who inhabit her land, and are are the sworn enemies of her father, the king.
  • Curdie, the son of a coal-miner, uncovers a dastardly goblin plot, by courageously following them deep into their cavernous kingdom.
  • And an ancient, and other-worldly lady appears at unexpected moments to offer wisdom, guidance and a ring with magical properties.

In this classic tale of adventure, George MacDonald weaves his storytelling magic—the same enchantment which has inspired many noteworthy fantasy writers over the past century, including C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. If you’re a fan of Narnia and Middle Earth, you’ll find in MacDonald’s stories many elements which are at once familiar and entirely unique.

Enjoy these beautifully designed editions—again and again—or share the wonder of “The Princess and the Goblin” with someone special.

The author’s original text is complete and unabridged in this edition.

This is the first in a two-book series, with an introduction by H. W. Lincoln. If you enjoyed this title, you’ll also enjoy its prequel, “The Princess and Curdie.”


Or make your purchase at (Canada) here.