The Story of the Church

The Story of the Church:
8 Bible-Based Lessons on God’s Sovereignty & Providence in Church History
by Kerry van der Vinne
Upon the rock of faith in Jesus Christ, the Church was founded. Through 2000+ years it has seen triumphs and failures, but it has never been beyond the reach of God’s redemptive grace.
In eight powerful sessions, Kerry van der Vinne provides an overview of Christian history, touching on the stories of many great saints (including Polycarp, Athanasius, and Francis of Assisi), taking stock of pivotal controversies, and exploring both triumphs and failures – all of which have astonishing relevance to us today. Each lesson is rooted in scripture and includes questions for discussion or reflection. Suitable for either personal or group learning, this study is presented at an academic level suitable for adults or mature teens.
Lesson 1: Eyewitnesses
Lesson 2: The Early Church
Lesson 3: Definitions & Defenders
Lesson 4: The Perils of Power
Lesson 5: Faithful Outliers
Lesson 6: The Reformers
Lesson 7: Compassionate Service
Lesson 8: Yesterday, Today, Forever
Quotes from “The Story of the Church”:
- “We’re not setting out to sugar-coat facts or create spin. We know that we live in a fallen world where bad things do happen. Believers as well as the organizations they form get things very wrong sometimes. But this is not the whole story. God’s sovereignty and providence tell us that his hand is at work in spite of these things, and assure us that his good plan will triumph.”
- “The problem of false teaching has never gone away. It has always presented a challenge for Christians who want to respond with godly maturity.”
- “One sure sign that our aspirations and allegiances have gotten off-track is when we find ourselves compromising what we know to be right and true in order to defend them.”
- “Though disappointment and disillusionment are inevitable, it’s not inevitable that these experiences undermine our faith in the providence and sovereignty of God.”
- “This ‘identity marker’ issue has always been an issue. It’s why the New Testament makes such a point of telling Christians that all their old identity markers are insignificant compared to their new identity in Christ.”
- “Jesus is the head of his Church. This is more than an abstract concept. It means that our regard for human institutions and human leaders, as excellent as they may be, must always take second place to our love for and loyalty to Jesus Christ.”
- “Christians are not perfect people. At this point in our study that should almost go without saying. But what we are – what we must be – is a new creation, a people who are infinitely more like Jesus than we would be if we had never encountered him.”
- “Knowing about God’s ‘omni-greatness’ may not always be comforting. Sometimes it can be frustrating to consider the Lord’s knowledge, presence and power when he is not intervening in the ways we wish he would.”
- “The story is still unfolding. We have the privilege, like the saints who went before us, of being a part of it as it unfolds. The ending of this story is in God’s hands. As for this moment in time, we may not know how God is working, but we hold fast to the knowledge that he is always doing far more than we can see.”
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