The Book of Ruth

Book of Ruth cover

The Book of Ruth:
A 6-Part Bible Study on Knowing True Love

by Kerry van der Vinne

We use the word “love” today to mean many different things…

“How are we to know whether or not our idea of love is in alignment with God’s idea of love? The answer is simple: by studying his word and listening to what he tells us in and through it.” —from the Preface

In six powerful sessions, Kerry van der Vinne will guide you (on your own, or with a group) through the Old Testament book of Ruth. Suitable for ages 14 and up, this study explores the context in which we find Ruth’s story, and follows chapter-by-chapter as it unfolds. It draws on other biblical texts that shed light on the events of the study, making note of underlying themes and principles. And finally it challenges readers to consider how some of the romantic narratives of our own day compare and contrast with what Ruth teaches us about godly love.

PART 1: Our World vs. Ruth’s World
PART 2: A Loyal Resolution (Ruth 1)
PART 3: A Loving Response (Ruth 2)
PART 4: A Bold Request (Ruth 3)
PART 5: A Joyful Reward (Ruth 4)
PART 6: Godly Love, Then & Now

Quotes from “The Book of Ruth”:

  • “The ultimate love story is one that you are a part of. It is the story that God loved you so much, broken and wayward though you are, that he sent his son to die so that you could be redeemed and brought into a right relationship with him. This is epic, in the truest sense of the word. All other love stories, if they are really loving at all, are only loving insofar as they reflect and point to God’s love.”
  • “When our “loves” are ordered correctly, obedience to God, our truest love, comes first.”
  • “A biblical understanding of repentance is not just about an emotional posture of remorse. It is about changing course.”
  • “When you and I face temptations, the voices of justification are often persuasive. The longer we entertain them, allowing them to play through our minds, the more compelling and sensible the course of action they are nudging us towards seems. But if we are believers, committed to obedience, then the question that matters most is: What does God require of me in this situation?
  • “Hope is not happy-go-lucky optimism… It is confidence rooted in God’s character.”
  • “If God only bestowed his gifts upon the deserving, the entire human race would have to be bypassed: including you and me. If we are proud, then this is a rebuke for us. But if we are broken in spirit, there is immense comfort to be found in this reminder.”
  • “Boaz’s example of “true love” in redeeming Ruth, points us to this greater love—which we have in Jesus. Christ alone was able to set us free. In spite of all our sin, he was willing to bring it about. And all of heaven is a witness to this epic love which went to such lengths for us.”
  • “As believers, whether we marry or whether we remain single, we belong to Jesus Christ, and we must strive to live in faithful obedience to our Lord as we patiently (though eagerly!) await the day when he will take us home to be his bride.”
  • “God is the one who is writing your story, and he is able to write a new and good ending for you. He is the God of prodigals: return, repent, and know that he will redeem.”


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The Book of Ruth