Just The Sort To End Up That Way

Sister Tabby cover artComing Soon!

Just The Sort To End Up That Way
A Sister Tabby Mystery

by H. W. Lincoln

“Don’t call me Sister,” said Tabby, “I’m not a real nun anymore.”

Sister Tabby Henson has lived a reclusive life for more than a decade. In an picturesque lake-side cottage, she spends her days creating illuminated manuscripts, nursing regrets, and shutting out the world… Until one day the phone rings, and she hears a familiar voice asking for help. It’s her godson Michael, and he’s been arrested for murder.

No one else believes Michael’s version of events. There are too many factors against him. To the detectives of Angels Falls, Ontario, the explanation for the death of Kaylee Sutherland appears obvious. And after all, Michael is just the sort of person they’d expect to end up in such a situation. Tabby, having grown up in the quaint but insular city of Angels Falls, knows the place well enough to guess that little will be done to look into Michael’s side of the story unless she does it herself.

Suddenly thrust back into the harsh light of the world, Tabby must face her own past and leverage every resource she can think of to uncover the truth.

Just The Sort To End Up That Way